Novena to the Heart of the Eternal Father


In reparation for the sins of humanity

Saint Gregory the Great exhorted: “Learn to know the heart of God in the words of God.”

In the biblical realm twelve represents not only the perfect composition of the chosen tribes and the twelve gates that exist in the City Jerusalem, but also the eternity of things conceived by God the Father. Beyond the usual meaning about numbers, it is worth highlighting why the novena is constituted in twelve days, since within its symbolism, the number 12 biblically represents aspects such as: good governance, service, power, protection, choice of life, in addition to production and multiplication. When we broaden our understanding, we see in the number twelve, the perfection of choice for a life path. With the chosen Twelve, Jesus chose lovers and believers in the salvific plan of God. They were summoned and invited, not only to serve, but also, to produce, and reach the farthest corners of the world, to the most isolated people, to heal and unite many hearts to the heart of the Eternal Father.

Act of Contrition to the Father’s Heart

Oh, Good and Eternal God, Most High Father, in this day and hour I come to You because I believe in Your presence, I believe in Your kind love and in Your holy mercy. I believe that You accompany me and guide me every day of my life. I believe that You know my feelings, my thoughts and actions, because before Your eyes nothing is hidden. Father, You know everything and appreciate in Your heart the times that I act under the guidance of Your divine teachings, but You also know and have been present in the occasions in which I have fallen, that I have been weak and that I have failed You.

That is why on this day I ask for Your forgiveness, Father. With a repentant heart I return to You and I ask You to forgive me all those faults that I have committed, for that sin that causes me so much damage, and not only me, but also the people around me. I recognize my fragile and weak spirit, dear Father; that Your Will, will reach me when mine yields to the instigation and temptation of the enemy. I recognize, Father, that if I have fallen it is because of my lack of resistance. I have fallen, and today I acknowledge my sins, I ask You to forgive me, I apologize clearly and conscientiously for having acted poorly, not only in my actions, but also in my thoughts and omissions.

Forgive me Father, for those lies that have come out of my mouth, for my destructive thoughts, because sometimes I have felt hatred, envy or rancor, for feeling jealous of the blessings of others, and for those desires that separate me from You, Father of Love. I ask You to forgive me for the pain or sadness I have caused other people with my words or with my attitudes, for the injuries I have caused to my relatives, or friends.

I beg Your forgiveness Father, because I know that on many occasions, I have not been an example to others. I recognize my poverty and my faults. I know that from Your dwelling place Your heart is always ready to forgive my sins. Today, I come before You to implore Your mercy, because I know that Your goodness knows no limits. I am aware that only You can guide my steps on new paths.

Forgive me if I have misused Your name and Your commandments, forgive me if with my actions I have told You that I do not love You. That is why I raise my prayer, as a way of saying that I love You, that I have been aware of my guilt and I return to You, without masks or excuses.  My heart knows of Your infinite mercy by which I will be restored, because I know that You do not abandon me and by being with me, I will be victorious.

For this reason, Father, on this day, I ask You to give me the strength to continue, blot out the disordered desire to fall, and if I fall to rise in Your name again and again. May Your grace be my strength and your love be my breath. I am convinced that You hear my prayers, that as a Father You are always attentive to our supplications.

Thank You for Your forgiveness, because You know that my repentance is sincere and flows from my heart to Yours. Thank You, Father, because Your mercy has no end, and for this reason only in You all things are renewed. Look at me with love, despite my fragility and thank You for receiving again this heart that only wants to love You and adore You every day of my life, as a Son loves his faithful Father. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and three Glory be.

Prayer for every day

Father of love, we unite to You with a willing heart and offer it to You as a dwelling place.  We receive You, so that on this day rejoicing in Your word, we can nurture a spirit of prudence, hope and love. Lord, Your Spirit cries within to us, Abba! Father! Deposit in the depth of my soul the Flame of Your love until it overflows, so transformed by the action of Your fire, I may convert it into living charity, to radiate light and warmth to all who approach me every day.

A special purpose of this novena is that we pray to God the Father from heart to Heart with fervor and docility, so that, inundated with His loving fire, we correspond to the needs of the world that cries out for a new covenant of reconciliation, of union, of hope, and healing. For this reason, when we receive Your Heart in ours, let us always seek to be a reflection of Your Being for the world and for others. Amen.

First day

Recognizing the ways of the Father

“You must see what great love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God’s children — which is what we are! The reason why the world does not acknowledge us is that it did not acknowledge Him.” 1 John 3: 1.

It is very important, on this first day of the novena, to recognize our role as children of God, whom, converted and called to a spiritual rebirth, we can testify that we have a Loving Father. Accepting, by faith, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross has made us “children of God.” But this new spiritual birth, the world, that is to say the rest of humanity, does not understand it, and it seems presumption, arrogance and pride, because it has been denied and blinded within the multiple opulence and falsehoods with which many govern, cheat or forget the other. For this reason, as children of God, we desire to live a life that makes our faith credible, that overflows in love and charity, that reflects the nurturing of an abundant heart, which, seeking the Heart of the Father, shelters those who do not know it and allows to open the ways, illuminating, like lamps, the paths to travel. 

“When you enter your room, you enter your heart. Blessed are those who rejoice when they enter their heart and find nothing wrong there.”                                                                      -Saint Augustine.

Prayer: Heart of the Father, You Who pour Yourself out like a spring of infinite water, Who calm the afflicted, and Who show Yourself to those who seek You with purity and humility, allow us to recognize You in the soul of our brothers, open our hearts so that we can learn to love one another as You love us. Amen.

Commitment:  As a special commitment, Father, we dispose our spirit, so that, united to Your heart, we recover the warmth that the world has taken away from us, the sensitivity that we have lost, and continue each day of our lives choosing You as the Father who leads our way.


Father, that You and I are one, so that we all live in community, and as believers in Your love, we reach holiness. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

May we seek You with all humility, so that healed by Your love we remain faithful and free from evil. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

We are Your people, oh beloved Father, never forget our faithful protection. For we come to You, glorious heart, compassionate Father, merciful Father. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

Because when the hour arrives in Your love we gather together, like true children, like true brothers. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

As a good Father You have taught us that where our treasure is our heart is, we want to live in Your grace surrounded by Your love. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

You have exchanged the callous heart for one full of humility, that Your grace always encourages my spirit and my will. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

May Your eyes be my eyes when looking, to cultivate in my heart what You really like. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

As You have taught us, before You we have gathered, with full confidence and quickened in Your love, give us Father today the joy of serving You promptly. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

Because Your causes are always just, I keep Your mandates.   Walking on Your paths, I cannot leave Your side, always trusting You I seek to be Your reflection. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

You surround me like a shield, and You save me from danger, because Your kind heart favors Your goodness, I love You without measure, Father of fidelity. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

You rekindle my strength and breathe new life, may Your strength be with me every day in my walk of life, may Your love be Father like spring water. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

You have taken me to the desert, but I have never been alone, because Your Father’s Heart has always been by my side. R / Eternal Father, source of divine light, receive us into Your heart, and fill us with Your love.

Supplications to the heart of the Eternal Father

Father, Jesus asked You for strength at the decisive moment and He was faithful until death, help me to look for You when my mission seems difficult.  / I hope in You.

Father, Jesus asked You for the Unity of the Church throughout all centuries, having as a model the union of You and Your Son, listen to the prayer of Your people and help us to overcome all divisions among Christians. / I hope in You.

Paternal Heart of the Father, burning fire of love. / I hope in You.

Paternal Heart of the Father, perfect union of love for humanity. / I hope in You.

Paternal Heart, eternal flame of love, fullness of the Divine Will.  / I hope in You.

Paternal Heart of God that inspires the soul to sanctity. / I hope in You.

Paternal Heart of God, direct path to eternity. / I hope in You.

Paternal Heart of God, summit of each virtue, refuge and stronghold in whom I trust. / I hope in You.

God’s beloved heart, infinite mercy of compassion. / I hope in You.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, help us to know more about the Heart of God so that our love for the Father and the desire to be like Him may grow/ I hope in You.  

Merciful Heart of the Father, You do not pay attention to the external or what captivates the world, but You see instead the integrity and the deepest intentions of the heart. / I hope in You.

Sweet Heart of God, may my life be for Your glory, inspiring many to honor and glorify You, having seen how You manifest Yourself in me, as a Father of Love. / I hope in You.

Consecration as Slaves of Love to the Heart of Our Merciful Father


Beloved Eternal Father, consume our misery and our indifference with the flames of Your Sacred Heart. Purify what is stained and re-ignite what has become cold.

 Embrace our hearts of stone and give us instead, hearts willing to entrust everything to You, to adore You and to allow that love to overflow to others.

We wish to heal Your heart of all the wounds that our sins and those of the whole world inflict upon You daily. We wish to quench Your thirst for love by becoming:


O Merciful Heart that continuously gives me everything. Allow the fire of Your love to inundate my heart so it can be one in You. I trust in Your infinite mercy.

I acknowledge that You are Almighty. I recognize that I can do nothing because I am weak, but I can do all in You.

I trust in Your protection, that You walk next to me and that You will never abandon me.

I trust in Your promise of happiness and eternal life.

I believe that you are alive, and that Your Heart beats in eternal fire of love for me.

Merciful Heart of the Father, I entrust my past to Your Mercy, my present to Your Love and the future to Your Providence.

Oh, Paternal Heart of Merciful Love, as you look at me with tears of sorrow, lowering Yourself to the lowest of humanity, in order to be closer to me, hoping that I will respond to Your call, I wish to give You my love as a drop of water that quenches, at least for an instant, that infinite thirst for love that burns deep in the Universal Blaze of Your Sacred Heart.

O Merciful Heart of the Father, Consuming Fire, Love above all loves, permit my heart to beat with Yours, so, fused together, we will be forever united to the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Your beloved Son, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy, the daughter of Your predilection, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Custodian of the United Hearts.

May we see, that through this consecration, our souls burn entirely consecrated to You.  Amen.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” Romans 8: 35

Prayer to address your Father



The Fire of Love of The Father

Merciful Father do not allow my heart to languish for lack of love.  Our Father, set my poor heart on fire and keep it alive, lit with the Flames of Your Love because it is only in You that it can burn of love unceasingly.

Beloved Father, do not allow my heart to become drowsy by the lulls of this world, seemingly happy and comfortable for some while painful and full of wasteful suffering for others.  Awaken my heart from the hedonistic temptations that people of this world offer and prompt it to burn with the Flame of Love with which You ignited the world.

Our Father, from Your Most Sacred Heart springs forth Flames of Love.  United to the Heart of your beloved Son Jesus Christ, I beg You, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Chaste and Just Heart of Saint Joseph to send sparks of love to the hearts of all people, especially, I beg You, the hearts of my loved ones and for my own heart also.  Do not let us fall into lukewarmness which so much offends and hurts You.  Grant us special graces enabling us to ignite the world with the fire of Your love.

I would like, Father, to declare a war of love.  That war that You propose and with which You have come to ignite this world which lives with its back to You. Stir me, awaken me and move me with that Fire of Love with which You ignite the world.

Oh, Father, despite the struggles we will encounter each day, give us wisdom and discernment to see the light that shines our way to move forward, firmly and securely toward You.  Amen.

“The Heart of Abba that loves you.  Blessings”.



Lord / have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, / have mercy on us.

Lord / have mercy on us.

Heavenly Father, who are God, / have mercy on us.

Son redeemer of the world, Who are God, / have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, You are God, / have mercy on us.

Most Holy Trinity, You are one God, / have mercy on us.

1- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. / I trust in You!

2- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. / I trust in You!

3- Sacred Heart of God the Father, creator and savior. / I trust in you!

4- Sacred Heart of God the Father, infinite goodness. / I trust in you!

5- Sacred Heart of God the Father, You carry the world on Your heart. / I trust in you!

6- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who knows how to bend to our condition. / I trust in you!

7- Sacred Heart of God the Father, You love me more than any creature can ever love me. / I trust in you

8- Sacred Heart of God the Father, infinitely sweet and good. / I trust in you!

9- Sacred Heart of God the Father, the most tender and lovable among all Fathers. / I trust in you!

10- Sacred Heart of God the Father, flame of paternal love. / I trust in you!

11- Sacred Heart of God the Father, flame of truth. / I trust in you!

12- Sacred Heart of God the Father, tabernacle of true joy. / I trust in you!

13- Sacred Heart of God the Father, You are pleased with our company and wish to stay with us. / I trust in you!

14- Sacred Heart of God the Father, hope of prodigal children. / I trust in you!

15- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who patiently awaits our return to You. / I trust in you!

16- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who transmit Your power to just souls in a state of sanctifying grace. / I trust in you!

17- Sacred Heart of God the Father, that in Your love we find an anticipation of paradise. / I trust in you!

18- Sacred Heart of God the Father, source of living water. / I trust in you!

19- Sacred Heart of God the Father, passionate with love for us. / I trust in you!

20- Sacred Heart of God the Father, infinite and merciful love. / I trust in you!

21- Sacred Heart of God the Father, refreshing source to quench our thirst. / I trust in you!

22- Sacred Heart of God the Father, true friend and confidant. / I trust in you!

23- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who attracts us to you through Your only begotten son Jesus. / I trust in you!

24- Sacred Heart of God the Father, ocean of universal charity. / I trust in you!

25- Sacred Heart of God the Father, who sanctifies those who trust in You. / I trust in you!

26- Sacred Heart of God the Father, tender Father Who lives among us. / I trust in you!

27- Sacred Heart of God the Father, worthy of honor, love and praise forever. / I trust in you!

28- Sacred Heart of God the Father, King of love, just and compassionate. / I trust in you!

29- Sacred Heart of God the Father, tender and merciful. / I trust in you!

30- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who surrounds us with intimate affection in the midst of suffering. / I trust in you!

31- Sacred Heart of God the Father, tender Father who wishes to ease the path of our earthly life. / I trust in you!

32- Sacred Heart of God the Father, burning fire of love. / I trust in you!

33- Sacred Heart of God the Father, sweet Father Who sees everything. / I trust in you!

34- Sacred Heart of God the Father, tender Father Who knows everything. / I trust in you!

35- Sacred Heart of God the Father, kind Father who provides everything. / I trust in you!

36- Sacred Heart of God the Father, merciful Father who knows how to forgive easily. / I trust in you!

37- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Holy Father, slow to anger and rich in mercy. / I trust in you!

38- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who lightens our burdens, sweetens our lives and fill us with paternal love. / I trust in you!

39- Sacred Heart of God the Father, faithful help in our efforts and work. / I trust in you!

40- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who always sustains us with Your peace and joy for our souls. / I trust in you!

41- Sacred Heart of God the Father, author of redemption. / I trust in you!

42- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who adopted us as true children. / I trust in you!

43- Sacred Heart of God the Father, true freedom. / I trust in you!

44- Sacred Heart of God the Father, true happiness. / I trust in you!

45- Sacred Heart of God the Father, God of perfection. / I trust in you!

46- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who give us Your Holiness through the Holy Spirit and instill it in our souls through the merits of Your son Jesus. / I trust in you!

47- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who comes in our midst through the Son and the Holy Spirit. / I trust in you!

48- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who comes in our midst through the cross and the Eucharist. / I trust in you!

49- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Who through the cross and the Eucharist bring down Your infinite Omnipotence and Mercy. / I trust in you!

50- Sacred Heart of God the Father, the most discreet of confidants. / I trust in you!

51- Sacred Heart of God the Father, light of lights. / I trust in you!

52- Sacred Heart of God the Father, light that illuminates all pilgrims. / I trust in you!

53- Sacred heart of God the Father, light that illuminates the skeptic. / I trust in you!

54- Sacred Heart of God the Father, light that illuminates the ignorant. / I trust in you!

55- Sacred Heart of God the Father, light that illuminates us all. / I trust in you!

56- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father Who protects all Your children. / I trust in you!

57- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the lepers. / I trust in you!

58- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the abandoned. / I trust in you!

59- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the afflicted. / I trust in you!

60- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the sick. / I trust in you!

61- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the dying. / I trust in you!

62- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of families. / I trust in you!

63- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of orphans. / I trust in you!

64- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of widows. / I trust in you!

65- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of prisoners. / I trust in you!

66- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of workers. / I trust in you!

67- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of youth. / I trust in you!

68- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father in all needs. / I trust in you!

69- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of kings. / I trust in you!

70- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the nations. / I trust in you!

71- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of all humanity. / I trust in you!

72- Sacred Heart of God the Father, Father of the souls in purgatory. / I trust in you!

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, give us peace.


Beloved Father God, Father of all humanity and the most wonderful, admirable and tender of all Fathers, hallowed be Your name in the whole universe, that by Your infinite goodness and mercy You sent us Your only begotten Son Jesus to reconcile us with You. For the merits of His painful passion and death on the Holy Cross of salvation, we ask you to have mercy on us. Draw us to Jesus Christ Himself so that washed by His Precious Blood and healed by His painful wounds, we can come to You clean and free from all stain and sin. Turn Your divine merciful face on us through the merits of the Holy Face of Your beloved Son Jesus. Convert sinners and forgive us our sins, the sins of our families, the Church, our country and the whole world. Cleanse the entire humanity with the blood and water that flows from the Sacred side of Your Son Jesus and with this same blood and water, baptize aborted children: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sprinkle the souls in purgatory and free captives with the Blood of Jesus. Through His Holy Wounds, heal the sick from their agony, have mercy on the dying; transform us into You by the strength, power and virtue of Your Holy Spirit. May we have Respect towards You.  Gather Your flock into the one Church founded by Your adorable son Jesus Christ. Receive the whole world in Your Most Sacred Heart through Your Son Jesus and the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph. That all hearts turn to You; that through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Pure and Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph may we worthily honor Your Most Sacred Fatherly Heart. Fill our hearts with Your Holy Spirit and pour it out on the face of the earth, bringing us Your kingdom; pour out Your heavenly graces on us so we will behave properly as Your children. May Your Will be done. Give us Your blessing and protection at all times, reign in our hearts, oh provident Father, King of divine love and Lord of Peace. Send us Your holy angels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael to guard us and make us aware of the voice of our holy guardian angel.  May the flame of divine love of Your Most Sacred Heart, purify, illuminate and ignite us, making us perfect as You Yourself are perfect; May our behavior be to Your liking; dry our tears with Your Holy hands and embrace us with Your love, oh tender Father. May Your Holy Spirit in us pronounce all prayers and praises and may Your Most Sacred Heart of God the Father, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Pure and Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph be consoled. I entrust my spirit to Your hands.

Eternal Father, may You be forever known, loved and glorified by all men. We ask All these things and all our known and unknown needs, through the name of Your beloved Son Jesus, Who with You and in the unity of the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Second day

Giving ourselves to God Who loves us.

“But the Lord said to Samuel: Do not look at his appearance, nor at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. ” 1 Samuel 16: 7.

In our reflection today we are faced with the issue of appearance, that is, what little we gain from what our eyes can see and that in many cases, from human aesthetics, which has become an overreaching factor in ascribing praise, happiness and splendor. As we bring up Samuel and the richness of this biblical quote, we see it as a special invitation, to go deeper, beginning with ourselves, asking and exhorting ourselves to discover what we are cultivating in our lives, vanity perhaps? The physical over the spiritual? As seen from God’s perspective, outward appearance is not the best way to perceive a person. There is an old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well, from God there is the possibility to probe the heart, to look beyond the human eye, to know what are the needs and virtues of each person.  That is why the importance of being known by God, of opening the heart and offering what, in His eyes is more precious: good deeds, love and service.  But above all, a confidence that, by giving ourselves to His love, the way will not only be fertilized, but it will also bear good fruit.

“A faithful Christian, illuminated by the rays of grace like a crystal, must illuminate others with his words, actions and with the light of good example.”- Saint Anthony of Padua.

Prayer: Infinite Father, full of peace and understanding, allow us today to contemplate in each person those gifts and virtues that You have put as seeds of Your Being. Allow us the joy of looking through Your eyes, and when contemplating, let us see those in need, a brother, a sister who will see in us, a refuge. Allow us to love and to rejoice daily in Your abundant and provident Heart. Amen.

Commitment: As this second day of the novena comes to an end, I commit myself, Father, to resist judging from appearances and to give more of myself so that my brothers and sisters can recognize the close union that, day by day, we each can experience with You. I pledge to acknowledge my mistakes and to be a child who, not guided by physical labels, will cultivate a heart that is pleasing in Your eyes.



Third day

The peaceful Heart of the Father.

“Look at the birds of the sky, they do not sow, nor do they reap, nor do they gather in barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?” Matthew 6:26.

Living our life in turmoil, worrying about the future, and the things that we lack every day, are just some of the factors that make us stop doing what really matters.  Every day brings its own worries.  It is of utmost importance to learn to trust God the Father recognizing that His Will is providing us with ways and opening doors to calm what is afflicting us. Our Father provides food for his creation. This is one of the great teachings that Matthew leaves us in his verse. We are worth much more than birds and we must trust that He will also provide for our needs. Give in prayer all your worries and all anxiety that invades your heart; learn to believe in the love of God that leaves no one helpless. Cry out and be assured that He hears you.

“We must love God because He is God, and the measure of our love must be to love Him without measure.”- Saint Bernard.

Prayer: Father of goodness, rejoicing in Your presence and aware of the greatness of your love, we thank You for each of the blessings received, we put into Your hands and even more in the light of Your heart the shadows and needs that afflict all Humanity, so that irradiated with the fire that emanates from You and filled with Your spirit, we become more and more human, more loving, and that by constantly serving You we can praise You not only in our days of happiness, but also in the most uncertain days. Amen.

Commitment: dedicated and ready at the end of this day we commit ourselves, Father, to trust and prepare our hearts from the trials that the world has in store for us, having faith in Your divine providence. Only You know our needs and fears, therefore, given to You in full certainty that with Your love, You will shelter our cold and give us warmth, as a sign of the great gifts that we daily receive from Your grace, we abandon ourselves in hope of fulfillment so that You continue working in each heart.



Fourth day

Virtues are like a spring of flowing water from the Heart of the Father.

“Piety and loyalty do not abandon you; Tie them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. In this way you will find favor and good welcome in the eyes of God and men.” Proverbs 3: 3, 4.

Virtues have always been a fundamental part of being human, so, today, in the reflection from Proverbs we find two of them, which come from the Father as the Figure in which all of them are concentrated. God the Father is the giver of every gift, of every breath of life, but He is also the engine of all virtues. Piety, as it is well mentioned, is a gift that reflects the Heart of the Eternal Father. Every pious being will see with benevolence, love and brotherhood all those around him, just as the Father appreciates and loves us as children. For this reason, loyalty is its companion since together they reflect our condition as children of God. The first as compassionate beings with others, the second, as men and women who give ourselves to His Love, always seeking in harmony to please the Father who has placed His gifts in each one of us. The question today is precisely what am I doing to cultivate virtues and to rid myself of attachments? Am I putting aside fears, limitations and thoughts that suffocate me, to make me aware of what is most worthwhile and useful for my life?

“Ask your heart; see if you have charity. If you have charity, you have the fullness of the law, and then God already lives in you and you have already become God’s throne.”- Saint Augustine.

Prayer: Oh, most faithful, merciful and loving Father, we adore Your Heart from which springs forth, strength, mercy, holiness, compassion, love and fidelity. Let Your attributes penetrate my heart as I open myself to Your Will and the Power of Your Spirit to transform my life. Give me always the strength and firmness to walk Your paths to be an example of Your virtues. Amen.

Commitment: Eternal Heart of the Father, having contemplated Your word, on this fourth day of the Novena, I dispose my heart and my spirit to Your Will, committing myself to give more of myself every day in order to purify my spirit. May I give example with my actions of Your generous gifts and that I can, with docility, accept and walk steadfastly in Your love, in order to be a faithful reflection of Your goodness.



Fifth day

The transforming Heart of the Father

“I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit within you. I will remove from your flesh that stone heart and I will give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26.

Through Ezekiel, today, God the Father manifests Himself as the Being capable of transforming the heart, of giving value and warmth, and as a potter, breaking and transforming our interior. The new covenant has as its end a new heart and a new spirit, with the intention of regenerating those parts of the body that have been extinguished and insensitive. God will give a heart of flesh, a soft and tender heart, in fulfillment of His Holy Will and Renewing Grace, which works as a great change in the soul, as modifying a dead stone into flesh. God will put His Spirit within us, as a teacher, guide, and sanctifier, as the only one capable of giving way to new things that not only the world, but human beings need.

“The hearts of men love one day and the next they are indifferent. Only God does not change.” -Saint Teresa of the Andes.

Prayer: Father of goodness, charity and sweetness, we ask you on this day not to take Your eyes off us. Permit, that being and staying closer to Your Presence, we can transform our hearts, to the point that you rejoice in us and deposit in our being, Your tender love. Amen.

Commitment: As a special offering Father, on this day, we surrender to let You anoint us with Your paternal hands. We open our hearts to allow You to do all the changes in us that You know we need; that your work will not only stay in us, but that we will share it with others, reflecting that heart of flesh that you have meant for us and that new spirit that will give strength to our steps to do Your work. Amen.



Sixth day

A heart sealed by the Father

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame”. Song of Solomon 8: 6.

Two very important things that are contemplated in this verse taken from the Book of Song of Solomon, are precisely the seal and the connection that it has with the heart. It is to be known that, like the people chosen by the Father, we have also been chosen and loved therefore, sealed with the mark of His love, a love that does not quench, but that each one of us should maintain alive, enrich and strengthen every day. God the Father has chosen us because he has noticed our docile hearts ready to do His Will. Having that seal not only implies that we are in God and God in us, and by placing it in our hearts we have bonded His presence in our lives and already prepared for Him, we have given ourselves to His true love.

“Charity is the center that unites the community with God and all its members among themselves; it contributes to the union of hearts and inextricably links them to God.” –Saint Vincent of Paul.

Prayer: Father of goodness, source of greatness and hope, we give You thanks today for allowing us to recognize in ourselves the seal of life and love that you have graciously given us. We ask You Father to irrigate with fresh water that seed that you have planted in our being so that day by day we give fruits of sweetness to others, and that having understood the greatness of love, as something more than a feeling that invades us, we feel determined to give You everything as our beloved Father. Amen.

Commitment: As a commitment and offering, Father, on this day, being aware of your great and special love, I dispose my spirit, so that, with each action, each person who meets me on the way, be a witness of the seal that I bear. And when they recognize it in me, they may discover the seal that they also bear in being children of God. I ask you, Father, that Your Heart will always be the spring that nourishes my spirit, and that overflowing with your charity, I can break down the barriers of hatred, sowing forgiveness in others.



Seventh day

A heart that rejoices in the Wisdom of the Father.

“My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will also be glad.” Proverbs 23:15.

On this day the main advice that the proverb tries to reflect upon concerning man’s life is precisely wisdom, which, according to the scriptures, speaks for itself since it not only leads man along good paths, but keeps him in a state of prudence that attracts others. Wisdom will bring, to the hearts of men, an example of life, and above all things will please the Heart of God. The proverb says that the purpose of wisdom is that man will reach levels of spiritual maturity of such magnitude that righteousness will bless his lips. Thus, the invitation to which we are called is to recognize that only in close proximity to God the Father is our heart wise, that only according to His Will do we enrich our lives.  What are we doing in our daily lives to cultivate this heart? Each one will be in charge of looking at the limitations which prevent us not only from being wise, but also from having a heart that pleases the Father.

“You made us Lord for You, and our heart is restless until it rests in You”. Saint Augustine.

Prayer:  From the root of my heart, dear Father, I surrender my life, my being, and all that I am so that when You take me you will instruct me towards what makes You most pleased.  I imagine how God smiles when he sees His children learn wisdom, and when we speak wisely.  Father, I want my life to make You smile, that my actions always be an act of courage and hope for others, that Your Heart will be in mine as mine is in Yours. Amen.

Commitment:  At the end of this day, and having been better listeners to Your word, we beg You, Father, to accompany us on this journey; on our part, we commit ourselves faithfully to act with rectitude, wisdom and good sense, with the intention of being pleasing to Your eyes. Give us the strength, not only to always take new steps, but also the possibility to remain firm in Your teachings.



Eighth day

United to the Heart of the Father.

“The good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, produces good; and the evil man, out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45.

The heart is one of the most important parts, since it is the center of our being and the main door to the spirit. It is the organ that determines everything we are, as well as the realization of our destiny on this earth and eternity. It is the heart that makes us take the great steps in life. It is where all the strength of our being is concentrated to achieve victory, to overcome tribulations, to take a risk. It is where courage and fear are forged. That which exists within you is constantly manifested through your words. Everything you say has been previously saved in you by your choice, it is there and it comes out of you as you arrange it, in the way you comment, criticize, judge or value others. Everything you say or fail to say is in your thinking and exists in your mind. Nothing is said by accident, nor is, what is not said, an accident. Your word speaks of your reality, of your particular way of seeing everything, including yourself. Your conscience uses your words to say what you perceive and how you perceive it, it is the crystal through which we look. So, your mouth will speak of the abundance of your heart.

“Give me a loving heart, and you will feel what I say, give me a heart that wants and is hungry; give me a heart that looks at itself as banished, and that is thirsty, and that sighs for the eternal homeland; give me such a heart, and it will fully realize what I am saying.” –Saint Augustine.

Prayer: Help me, Father, and lead me to Your abundant pastures of rest, where the eternal and pure water runs. Be my Light, to show me the Way. Enlightening me, I will speak. Put the words in me so that when I reach my brothers, they feel Your love.  Beloved Father, remain within me, to have Peace, to feel Your Love, make me understand the precious treasure that I carry with me, give me the courage to take care of it and enrich it with Your word. Amen.

Commitment: In my daily commitment, beloved Father, I want to give You my heart, be the key that opens my being every day. I dispose myself so that when guiding my words, they are always encouraging, sowers of peace, happiness, and hope. Lord keep my life, that I, vivified by Your love, will act according to your word. Amen.



Ninth day

A heart that pleases God is a heart that knows how to act.

“The heart is deceitful more than all things, and wicked; Who will know it? “I, Yahweh, who search the mind, who tests the heart, to give each one according to his way, according to the fruit of his works.” Jeremiah 17: 9-10.

The analysis of the nature of the heart is decisive on how effective The Word of God dwells in us. We often don’t know our own heart, but the Lord does! We must question the way in which we receive the Word of God in ourselves. Could it be that you and I get rid of fear, despair and sin from our hearts before we dispose ourselves to receive The Word? If, as Christians, what we profess does not coincide with the sentiments of the heart and personal attitude, then that person is a hypocrite. Therefore, if someone claims to be a Christian and, on the contrary, shows a selfish attitude, which is not according to what the Father has wanted, then perhaps he professes a faith, but does not like to keep the commandments despite what he says. With this attitude, the Father will not bless his life, since the verse chosen today tells us that beyond the thoughts, and the intentions, it is the works and the chosen path that speak for the person.  Despite our sinful human actions, the Father will continually work in the hearts of men so we can acknowledge our sins and repent.

“I consider myself a weak little bird covered only by a light down. I am not an eagle, I only have the eyes and the heart of the eagle, because despite my extreme smallness, I dare to stare at the divine sun, at the sun of love, and my heart feels in itself all the aspirations of the eagle.” -Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.

Prayer: Father of light, fire that illuminates the hearts of men, we ask you on this day not to take Your eyes off us; that Your goodness and grace be the guide of our steps and that when we reach others, Your Will direct our actions to be worthy of Your gratitude. Amen.

Commitment:  As a special commitment on this day, that we learn to look into our hearts, that it is the healing and educating hand of the Eternal Father that guides our steps and thoughts; that we can recognize in each of us those things that make us doubt, distrust and feel distant from the plans and love of the Father, so that, once our spirit is restored and repaired, we can become more humble servants of His heart. Amen.



Tenth day

The Heart of the Father, a heart that breathes new life.

“Yahweh said to me then: Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Now they say: Our bones have dried up, our hopes have died, we have been rejected. So, he prophesies. You will tell them this word from Yahweh: I am going to open your graves, my people, I will make you rise from your graves and I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then, when I have opened their graves and made them rise, they will know that I am Yahweh. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live; I will establish them in their land and they will know that I, Yahweh, said it and I did it, -word of Yahweh.” Ezekiel, 37: 11-14.

As we ponder, in a special way, on the verse, in Ezekiel, there is a great promise of transformation, not only as God the Father had promised and done to the people of old, but as He calls us now to personal transformation, whose main objective is to instill a breath of new life thus leaving the grave would be the first step. But what grave are we talking about? As children of God we must ask ourselves today what are the graves in which we are buried. Thus, we can clearly tell our Father to take us out of them, but for this there must be a personal recognition. God the Father is active in each one of us, that is why by trusting in Him we will know what steps we must take. It should be noted that new beginnings are never easy, there will be fears, perhaps you will feel incapable, but that is where the promise comes true, that is when God will infuse His spirit, as Ezekiel prophesied, and we will live, we will be restored, reborn with the purpose of continuing to walk not only in service, but also in the joy that comes from knowing we are children of God.

“Come back. Where? To God. It is still not too late. Go back to your heart first; as in exile you wander outside of yourself. Do you ignore yourself and go find who created you?” -Saint Augustine.

Prayer:  Eternal Father, redeemer and healer of souls, help us to get out of our own graves, out of our comfort zones, of our attachments and ill feelings, give us the possibility of recognizing how unhappy we are when we are not by Your side. Only You know what we need to heal to be a new being. Give us strength so, together with our brothers and sisters we may spread Your new seed. That your breath reaches the world as a changing and revitalizing breath of life. Amen.

Commitment:  As a special commitment, on this day we open our hearts, dispose our bodies and bow our eyes so that, as we receive that Spirit of Life Father, we walk in complete healing, and that when we reach others we can transmit Your voice, Your glance, and Your Spirit as witnesses of Your love, and pilgrims of Your kingdom. Amen.



Eleventh day

The Father’s eternal treasure, a heart that awaits His children.

“Because where your treasure is, there will also be your heart.” Matthew 6:26.

These words, taken and described by St. Matthew, express the wisdom with which God speaks to the heart of man. Since He knows that the heart of man tends to love and live to achieve material wealth, the Father invites us to put our hearts not in the cares of this world, because, in the end, they will bring destruction to our soul.  Where do you keep what is most precious? For better or for worse, when you expose it in public or hide it. God asks you to consider what is of real importance to you, what is valuable to you. Think about what is important to Him, how through His Son’s actions showed us His attitude and His Heart. Carefully see how the Father’s Heart connects with yours, and ask God to help you grow in appreciation for this true treasure. If you hide your heart, it will be much more difficult to purify it and make it more valuable.  For this reason, God the Father, invites us, on this day, to protect this treasure, which is above all the greatest riches of the world, the one from which the most beautiful intentions and human actions spring forth, – our hearts.

God does not hide Himself from those who seek Him with a sincere heart, even if they grope in an imprecise and diffuse way. -Saint John Paul II.

Prayer:  Paternal Heart, eternal source of life and fountain of love, allow us today to recognize the treasure that we carry within us, give us wisdom and grace, to not allow our heart to be contaminated with anything evil, accepting, as a priority, Your presence in our lives. Amen.

Commitment:  As a commitment to You, Father of love, I surrender my heart, so that being vigilant and docile to Your word, I will take care of this valuable gift that you have given me. I promise to recognize the shortcomings and attitudes that are in me that prevent me, on many occasions, from being a faithful lover of Your Will, so that, having cleaned my treasure, -my heart, it will be an offering pleasing in Your eyes.  Amen.



Day twelve

Mary a heart chosen by the Father and for the Father.

Uzzi’ah said to Judith: “Blessed are you, daughter of the Most High God, more than all the women on earth! And blessed be God, the Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, who has guided you to cut off the head of the chief of our enemies. Your trust will never be lacking in the hearts of men who will remember the strength of God eternally. May God grant you, for perpetual exaltation, to be favored with all the goods, because you did not hesitate to expose your life because of the humiliation of our race. You stopped our ruin by proceeding righteously before our God. ” All the people answered: “Amen, amen!” Judith 13: 18-20.

In light of Judith’s text, we reflect on one of the greatest works done by the Father; in the book of Judith there is a clear example of the Providence of God that never abandons His people. Also shared with this writing is the vision of God’s preferential choice for the humble, for what seems little, to change the idea of ​​what seems much.  Thus, a woman, weaker than man in terms of physical strength, is stronger because of Her courage and Her trust in God. This special election is attributed today to Mary as the elected, the chosen one and predestined by the Father to be the bearer of the Son. By looking into Her heart, God discovers the goodness and purity of Her being. In the same way, just as Mary has been chosen and given the gift of the Son, we have also been chosen; our path today is fixed and traveled by God; our heart, like that of Mary, is illuminated and closely united to that of the Father, that is why as flaming torches and flashing fire of love we are called to illuminate and bring warmth, to embrace with the fire of the spirit those who feel today extinguished.

The Eternal fell in love with your incomparable beauty, with so much strength, that he wanted to detach himself from the bosom of the Father and choose those virgin entrails to become your Son. And I, earth worm, should I not love you? Yes, my most sweet Mother, I want to burn in your love and I propose to exhort others to love you too.  -Saint Alphonso María de Liguori.

Prayer:   Dear Father, on this day, having traveled through the valley of life and even more, having meditated on your word, allow us to keep as a promise that which you invite us to do. Give us, like Mary, the humility and simplicity for which She was chosen. Give us the ability to receive in our hearts the spark of Your Spirit, so that we do not speak, but it would be You speaking and acting for us. Amen.

Commitment:   On this day, at the end of my prayer, I leave in Your hands Father, my choice of life. Allow us every day to rediscover the reasons that have brought us to Your presence. I commit myself loving Father to entrust my life to You, to unite my heart more and more to Yours, so that my choices are always renewed by Your presence, give me sharpness to understand and listen, the ability to give without reserve and a special predilection for my actions to be a reflection of Your love. Amen.
