Prayer to Our Lady of Discernment

Our Lady of Discernment, preserve my heart as one of a child, pure as crystal, like Yours, with the ability to discern between good and evil and to flee from danger.

Give me a simple heart, one that does not remain in sadness but faces everything like a ready soldier in battle, discerning how to conquer the next temptation to face. Give me a heart ready to surrender completely, tender in compassion, detached of all things and contemplative in action. Give me a faithful and generous heart, one that does not forget the good received and not carrying any grudges.

To You, beloved celestial Mother of Discernment, I place at Your feet all my life journey, so that all the things that I do from now on will be enlightened by the perfect discernment that comes from God, enabling me to accomplish my life’s mission for which He created me.

Mother of Holy Discernment, I would like to consecrate to you my thoughts, my intellect, my body, my spirit, my soul and all my being.

Mother of the Perfect Will, I beg You to give me the grace to make up for the time I have wasted in frivolous things and help me to understand that You have a perfect path, outlined by God for my life.

Oh, Mother of Discernment, I beg You not to remain silent, help me to make good decisions!

Our Lady of Divine Discernment, form in me a meek and humble heart, able to love without asking for anything in return, joyful when my heart disappears in Yours before Your Divine Son. A heart big and brave, not disillusioned with indifference, but a heart that will build everything on the firm rock which is Our Lord Jesus Christ. Together we will crush the head of the adversary.

Our Lady of Discernment, help me to put God in the Center of my life, doing everything in His Divine Will, with a heart that worships and adores Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mother of Discernment, give me the strength to persevere in the way of Your Beloved Son.

I renounce all the things with which my mind will try to use to trick me. I will look for the things that are according to the Spirit and I will renounce the things that are according to the flesh.  Amen.

Hebrews 5:14 Solid food is for adults with minds trained by practice to discern between good and bad.

John 10:4-5 When he has brought out all those that are his, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice.  They will never follow a stranger but will run away from him because they do not recognize the voice of strangers.