This novena to the Sacred Crown of Thorns of Jesus is presented as a spiritual tool that leads to personal introspection, to a change, to a mental and spiritual transformation of life to get closer to God, following in the footsteps of Jesus.
It seeks to help find the way to Christ and raise awareness of how we must face trials and difficulties in order to turn them into life experiences that transform us and lead to a full approach to communion with Christ, showing his process of pain and seeing the same pain as the path of redemption in our lives.
The meditations try to generate a realistic vision of the suffering endured by our beloved Lord, leaving aside the modern interpretation that has ceased to evoke the real and true process of martyrdom experienced by Our Lord, providing a deeper approach to the change that we must have in order to be followers of His Way,
It generates motivation to follow His steps and shows us a perspective of the Christian’s current life, how to change earthly habits to spiritual habits to draw closer to God and presents us with the love of our Mother Mary, who extends Her arms to us and gives us comfort.
All of us have been braiding His Crown of Thorns.
Let’s set aside a time for silence and contemplation. Let’s ask ourselves this question: What are those thorns? What are the names of those thorns?
1. The thorn of “forgetting God.”
2. The thorn of “heartbreak”
3. The thorn of “empty hands”
4. The thorn of “reckless judgments and destructive criticism”
5. The thorn of the “incoherence of His Children”
6. The thorn of the “lack of apostolate”
7. The thorn of “betrayal”
Feast Celebrations of The Crown of Thorns
The first festival in honor of the crown of thorns (Festum susceptionis coronae Domini) was instituted in Paris in 1239, when Saint Louis brought a small relic of the Crown, which was deposited in the royal chapel, erected in 1241-8 to keep this and other relics of the Passion. The feast, celebrated on August 11, was initially reserved only for the royal chapel, but it was gradually observed throughout northern France. In the next century, another feast of the Holy Crown was instituted, which was celebrated on May 4, along with the feast of the Holy Cross, in parts of Spain, Germany, and Scandinavia. This feast is still preserved in several Spanish dioceses and is observed by the Dominicans on April 24. Clement X (1676) and Innocent XI (1689) granted the diocese of Freising in Bavaria to celebrate a special feast in honor of the Crown of Christ on the Monday after Passion Sunday. In 1766 it was celebrated in Venice on the second Friday in March. In 1831 it was adopted in Rome as a major day and is observed on the Friday following Ash Wednesday. Since it is not celebrated in the whole universal church, the mass and the divine office for this celebration are placed in the appendices of the Breviary and the Missal. The hymns of the office are taken from the 7th century Galician breviary in Paris and were composed by Habert. Dreves and Blume’s “Analecta hymnica” contain a large number of rhythmic trades, hymns and sequences for this festival.
ROHAULT DE FLEURY, Instruments de la Passion (París, 1870); NILLES, Kalendarium manuale (Innsbruck, 1897); GROTEFEND, Zeitrechnung, II, 2, 88
The thorns of the Crown of Our Lord come from the Zizyphus bush, six meters high, with a tortuous trunk and flowers called jujube and six-centimeter-long thorns. The emperors of Byzantium, through the years, stripped the Crown of Thorns, and gave it to popes and monarchs, as happened with the eight thorns that the Byzantine empress Irene gave to Charlemagne, the Roman-Germanic emperor. Since he arrived in France, King Saint Louis distributed the remaining thorns, some seventy, to the main churches in France. By conservative estimates, there may be as many as a hundred thorns scattered throughout Christendom today. In Rome, some are found in the Basilica of the Holy Cross, in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, in the Church of Saint Mark and in the Church of Santa Prassede. In Spain they are found in El Escorial, Barcelona, Montserrat, Tarazona and in the Cistercian Monastery of La Santa Espina, in Valladolid. Some of these thorns present three kinds of miracles that occur only when Good Friday is celebrated on March 25, coinciding with the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, which would indicate a close relationship between the mystery of the Annunciation and that of the Passion of Christ. These miracles are of three types: Greening, when the thorn becomes fresh and flexible as if it were on a living plant; Flowering, when the thorn blooms when a small flower of gold or white or blue or green color emerges from it; and Revival, when a drop of blood emanates from the thorn, or when a previous drop, which was dry, turns red and fresh. The first account of one of these miracles comes from 1633. In Italy alone there are 41 miraculous thorns, some of which are found in sanctuaries in Bergamo, Perugia, Bari and in the cathedral of Andria, where the miracle occurred recently, on the 25th of March 2016, testified under observation with a magnifying glass by Monsignor Raffaele Calabro, bishop of the diocese of Andria.
Tertullian, theologian and Father of the Church, in one of his meditations on the crowning with thorns, delivers a reflection that makes us participate in that torture: “He was not greeted as king of glory by the angels before being promulgated in the cross as King of the Jews. If for these things you have Him as your head, as far as you can, you must reciprocate for all that He has obtained for you. And you should not crown yourself with flowers, if you cannot do it with thorns. And since you cannot crown yourself with flowers, stay in God’s grace.”
Poem by: José María Pemán
It is told in an old tale
that, when the Savior surrendered
His sweet forehead to pain
In His bitter suffering,
As a flower surrenders
And bends when the wind passes by.
Singing at the cross
arrive a few swallows,
and sweetly tore
the brambles and thorns
that the executioners nailed
on the divine temples …
And seeing the ages gone by
full of indiscretions,
and miserable ruin
and of great lies,
I ask, with pain,
if the false and treacherous world,
as the swallows leave,
has not filled with thorns
the forehead of the Savior …
Of thorns, yes, of rancor;
of ungrateful separations,
of hypocritical pretenses;
of lying loves;
thorns, more deceptive
because they hide in roses
of a thousand pretended virtues;
thorns of ingratitude
which are the most painful …
That there is no dagger that pierces
with so much force and pain
like a thorn that to a father
a traitor son nails to him …!
So, the sinful world
wounds the divine temples
of the Divine Redeemer …
And won’t there be swallows
to pluck the thorns
from the forehead of the Lord?
Yes: in this House they have heard
some souls your complaints;
this House that has followed,
like a slave, your footprints,
wants, Lord, to be a nest
of swallows of those …
While the world, mockingly
go on your forehead nailing
its brambles and thorns
We, your swallows,
We will take them away!
You will have for each hidden
dagger that your chest nails,
a wounded chest of sorrow;
a love for every forgetfulness;
for every ungrateful a slave;
for each abandonment a nest;
a good deed for every pain;
for every unfaithful sinner
a good and Christian soul;
and a tear of love
For every worldly laugh.
And so, each swallow,
your wounds when healing,
will know, Lord, wake up
in your great and divine soul,
so much love … that there will still be left over
love to forgive
to the one who sticks the thorn in you!
Inked in blood a dove in my garden has stopped.
I said: “Why are you bleeding, white dove of the field?”
“I saw the Nazarene passed by with the cross dragging and with my wings the blood from His temples I have wiped.”
I have asked the swallow that has passed by:
“What branch of coral do you bring dangling from your beak?”
“It is not coral. It is a thorn that at the top of Calvary I have torn from the temples of the crucified Jesus.”
Swallows and doves, no one should kill you, because you wiped away the blood of Jesus Crucified!
Saint Catherine of Siena:
In a vision, Jesus presented himself with two crowns, one of gold and the other of thorns, offering to choose which of the two she would be pleased with. She replied: “I wish, O Lord, to live here always according to your passion, and to find in pain and suffering my rest and delight.” Then, eagerly taking the crown of thorns, He placed it on her head.
Saint Bernadette Soubirous:
God gives His own crown of thorns to his friends.
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus:
Do not grieve for not feeling any consolation in your communions.
It is a test that must be endured with love.
Do not lose a single of the thorns that you find daily:
With just one of them you can save a soul …!
My God, I wholeheartedly repent of all my sins and I despise them.
Agonizing Lord Jesus Christ, You, who suffered the derision of the Crown of Thorns and who with Your suffering paid for our transgressions, forgive my sins.
I beg You, Father of Love, that you inspire me with the desire to follow in Your footsteps. That You give me the grace to understand Your will. I beg You to give me the great desire to follow Your Way.
Allow me Lord to be close to You, that my heart will never stray from Your Way and that I always seek to be like Jesus Your beloved son. That my heart will be filled with Your grace, to put aside resentment and hatred, to stop seeing in others what I do not see in myself. Help me to have a compassionate and humble heart, similar to that of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
(To be recited every day)
To You, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, given to men as salvation and forgiveness of our transgressions, Whom I have made bleed with my sins of thought, word, deed and omission, Whom, with my deeds, I have perpetuated the agony of thorns in Your forehead and by my transgressions Your holy blood to continue to flow from Your temples. I regret my sins and for the times when I give more importance to my social media than You, for the times when I don’t thank You when I wake up because what’s in my mind is just to look at my cell phone. I repent of my wrong way of thinking. When I think that sharing an image or a sentence on social media is enough time for You. When I let bad desires invade my mind and stain my relationship with You. When I buy to accumulation and for fashion. When in the street I do not see Your face in the needy. Help me to be like the swallows that pulled out the thorns from Your forehead. Help me not to feel these worldly desires with which I place a crown of thorns on Your temples and remove from me the impure thoughts that make me nail it deeper into Your forehead. Give me the tools to fight against low desires of envy of my neighbor and the thoughts that do not lead me to You. I humbly offer my being to You. I humble myself before You, promising to carry the cross by Your side, let me suffer Your pain, pain that transforms me, that changes me, that purifies me as gold is purified passing through fire. With my humble commitment I want to remove the thorns from Your forehead, change my mentality, give me strength when my strength is weak in the face of temptation and when my mind declines. Transform me to live in balance my spirituality and my closeness to You with my daily life. Renew me so that with my new being I can heal the wounds that I caused You. So that with my new way of thinking I can clean Your forehead and perfume Your face when I walk on the right path, so that with my life free of sin I can exalt You and put on Your forehead a golden crown that I offer You with love.
Lord Jesus Christ whom they outraged and mocked, whom they attacked with all kinds of contempt and ignominious mockery, I ask, under Your Infinite Mercy and Inexhaustible Goodness that all those present in this novena and all Your children, help us to change our path, for a straight path that leads us to You. Give us the tools and the strength to transform our thinking, keep us away from temptations, help us to pass every test that comes our way in order to get closer to You every day. Transform our souls, our thinking and give us the wisdom to balance our earthly daily life with our devotion to you. Accompany us Lord on the path that leads us to Eternal Glory in which we will be with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
After each stanza we answer:
To You Most High and Great
Whom they humiliated without end
Have mercy on everyone.
Today I want to serve you.
For my sins you suffered derision
And your forehead bled for me
Transform my lost soul
Take me to you My Lord
That crown of thorns
from your forehead I want to change
For garland of scented roses
That with my behavior I will place on You.
King crowned with thorns,
Reign in the arts and sciences,
In the letters, in the laws,
Vassals and kings
The senses and powers;
Reign in all consciences,
O comforting King:
Long live Christ the King!
Reign in me, God of love!
The Jewish people did not want to
Have Jesus for a king,
And made Him a crown thorns of great pain,
In their mad rampage.
You are a king, oh my Christ,
Higher than all kings:
Long live your crown of glory!
Put on me the crown of love!
Oh, glorious Lord
That you humbly accepted
Suffering in Your forehead and side
Because of my sins
Your head full of mockery
Accepted for me
Let me be a balm
That alleviates your suffering.
By the suffering crown of thorns
with which Jesus was crowned
With his bleeding face
With his disfigured face.
Have mercy on me oh God I ask you
Have mercy oh sovereign King
Let me walk with you
To be by your side
Although by fire I will have to pass
when being purified
Even if I suffer in the process
I want to be renewed.
To You all powerful
Thank you for listening to my plea
Thank you for forgiving my soul
By your infinite mercy.
First Day
Happy Marriages
Hosea 2: 7-9
“Yes, their mother has played the whore, she who conceived them has disgraced herself by saying, ‘I shall chase after my lovers; they will assure me my keep, my wool, my flax, my oil and my drinks.’ This is why I shall block her way with thorns, and wall her in to stop her in her tracks; then if she chases her lovers, she will not catch them, if she looks for them, she will not find them, and then she will say, ‘I shall go back to my first husband, I was better off then than I am now;”
Marriage, as a union of love between two people, must always seek mutual growth.
Happy marriages are not happy without difficulties. It is going through difficult times and misfortunes together that dictates a happy marriage. It is the mutual help that you offer each other that reflects love. It is passing tests together that solidifies the union.
Your wife or husband cannot be the one who crowns your forehead with thorns. It must not be your wife or your husband who drives the thorns in your temples with their deeds, since the two are the same flesh and the same spirit before the eyes of God.
How much does the Lord bleed when He sees the love and the sacrament destroyed by worldly desires, by greed, by lust, by the little value given to the relationship under the modernist conception of divorce. Marriage is more than a document signed in this world, it is a pact of love in the eyes of the Most High, of mutual fidelity, of mutual permanence, of mutual perseverance.
Happy marriages wake up with a kiss and never go to bed in conflict, it is not only the appearance of happiness, it is not only to look at a beautiful relationship in photos, it is that in daily communion there is that love promised at the altar.
Our minds must change, our thoughts must change, always thinking that the good of one will be the good of both, solidifying their love in trust, in respect, removing all anger and lack of self-control, eliminating words full of bitterness, that even if they are used unintentionally, can harm your spouse.
Happy marriages get their strength from God. Marital peace must always be a search and finding of each other, since with this, they solidify themselves, to have a family in communion with God.
Second day
How to face and live each event of our lives, especially Suffering, Difficulties and Persecution. Renewing and maturing, day by day in the tests.
2 Corinthians 12: 7-10
“Wherefore, so that I should not get above myself, I was given a thorn in the flesh, a messenger from Satan to batter me and prevent me from getting above myself. About this, I have three times pleaded with the Lord that it might leave me; but he has answered me, ‘My grace is enough for you: for power is at full benefit in weakness.’ It is, then, about my weaknesses that I am happiest of all to boast, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me; and that is why I am glad of weaknesses, insults, constraints, persecutions and distress for Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong. “
Suffering is something intrinsic to human beings. All men have suffered, do suffer or will suffer for something. Rich and poor, young and old, men and women. But the difference is that for Christians, suffering is redemptive and salvific – it has a meaning. We only have two options to choose from: 1. We can pretend to ignore suffering or 2. Recognize it, learn and grow from it.
We have the right to cry, to grieve, and even to get angry about the things that happen to us, but after the relief we must ask for consolation and assume what we have learned from it. The trials we go through bring blessings with them and there is no more faithful example of this than Job.
Changes in the world have brought devastation, famine, hopelessness and tears to humanity. Every day we see on television people who ask for refuge from a war, families that have lost their loved ones because of a pandemic, economies that fail, and even so, having a roof, food and health, we believe that our problems have no solution, when it’s just enough to wait and see what God is going to do in our lives.
Pain is fertile when you offer it to God and give yourself to Him with everything you have. This act of surrender helps you identify yourself with Christ in a way impossible to achieve in another situation. We must recognize difficulty and suffering as part of what we must go through to be renewed and transformed. Suffering does not change, but it changes the heart of those who suffer it, renewing and strengthening the weaknesses of those who have fallen.
Third day
Why do you mock the reign of Christ in your life?
Galatians 6: 7-9
“Don’t delude yourself: God is not to be fooled; whatever someone sows, that is what he will reap If his sowing is in the field of self-indulgence, then his harvest from it will be corruption; if his sowing is in the Spirit, then his harvest from the Spirit will be eternal life. And let us never slacken in doing good; for if we do not give up, we shall have our harvest in due time. “
Everything that is sown is reaped, and in greater proportion to what is sown at a time other than sowing, be it good or bad, therefore we must make sure we are sowing a life that pleases God and not a life that reaps eternal damnation.
Understanding that what we will be tomorrow will be due to the decisions we make every day, we can change if we don’t like who we are today. We can come to Christ and He will help us make Him Lord and Savior of our lives, because what we sow, we reap.
Within the people of God today, we are living a panorama within the people of God that promotes and makes it seem that the word of God is used at our convenience, abandoning the reality of biblical teachings, resembling what happened with the Galatians. God cannot be mocked; we cannot make bad appear as good and good as bad. The way to go to the Father is Christ and following in the footsteps of Jesus is the way to reach Him.
We must ask for the strength that helps us to remain firm in our resolutions, and not to be deceived by any teacher who uses the teaching of his “little book”, because God, the Lord, cannot be mocked, because everything that man will sow, will he also reap.
To Have the Mind of Christ
1 Corinthians 2:16
“For: who has ever known the mind of the Lord? Who has ever been his adviser? But we are those who have the mind of Christ.”
The reading of the Bible has been lost because we have let ourselves be carried away by ill-founded technological advances. We no longer read! We are lazy! so much so, we cease to have the mind of Christ.
The way in which we convert our earthly mind into a mind of Christ is through the word, through reading the Holy Scriptures, searching through it – this is how we come to God.
By having the mind of Jesus, we can think above this earthly life, above earthly ambitions and worldliness. The Bible is one of God’s methods of speaking to us and advising us on how to live according to His Will, to establish His heavenly designs in our lives – how we should act and think, just as He does.
We cannot let our mind cloud under our own reasoning. Unfounded by today’s fashions, we cannot let our mind fill only with the emptiness that the world offers us, like television, fashion, fame, social networks, etc. that keep us tied to our earthly illusions that lead to sin.
To have a mind of Christ is to know what he expects from us and to do it, because we do not live but Christ lives in us – in our actions, in our thinking, in our being.
To have a mind of Christ we must know how to react to trials and temptations.; we must be prudent when speaking; we must be aware that all earthly treasure is temporary, therefore we do not cling to earthly and material things.
We must have a humble mind, a pure mind, an upright mind, a mind of prayer and service.
Christ wants to establish the true kingdom in the conscience, in the heart and in the lives of men. That is the only Kingdom of Christ, it is His only victory.
John 15: 13-15
“No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know the master’s business; I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father.”
The Lord was Crowned with Thorns as a supreme mockery. The only True King, worthy of the best throne, received a Crown made of Thorns. The world wanted to make a royal mockery of Him, and Jesus was silent. The recognition of the world is not necessary for Him to be crowned as King of the Universe, only His silence and humility greet the mockery of man. The Crown represented the uselessness of all human vanity, of the awards and decorations of the world, of the cult of the image. Jesus thus invited us to recognize True Royalty, the one that comes from love, simplicity, humility, by showing Himself to us, crowned as the poorest King, the most stripped of all earthly solemnity.
Christ wants to establish His kingdom also in our heart and life, but for this we must open ourselves to that, we must give in to the Lord’s call, we must change our mentality and transform our lives.
It is necessary to know that when Christ reigns in our hearts, our actions reflect Him, we praise the Lord with joy, we carry His message, we transmit His love to our neighbors and we put His teachings into practice.
When Christ is enthroned in our hearts, we do not envy our brother’s goods, we do not feel the need to be more than anyone else, or pretend to be something that we are not, to the liking of society as we experience nowadays, because a reign of humility and peace has been established in our lives.
To repay with deeds and glory the suffering of Christ for us is a Christian duty.
Isaiah 52: 14
“As many people were aghast at him — he was so inhumanly disfigured that he no longer looked like a man-“
How much we continue to hurt the heart and body of Christ with our doing and with our actions. This present age has made us see “less suffered” what the Lord went through for us. We believe that what we see in the movies is what really happened and we forget what is actually written in the scriptures that describe the real suffering that Jesus went through, the Crown of Thorns on his forehead, the lashes, the infamy and the sacrifice on the Cross.
In this modern era, it is time to remember how much we owe the Lord, how much more dedicated and committed we must be, recognizing how unworthy we are of such a great sacrifice.
We cannot accept His suffering as “normal.” If we had the grace to be able to see our body when there is sin, we would be more horrific than when Jesus died on the cross — unrecognizable, disfigured, senseless, and lifeless. As we remember our Lord Jesus, let us recognize that it was our sins that caused and causes His suffering on the cross and in that same measure we must have the commitment to change our thinking, so as not to continue prolonging that pain.
To please Jesus, we need to have more communion with Him, identify with Him, get closer to His suffering, recognizing that we are so valuable to Him, that He suffered all this for us and we must seek to please Him in our daily living, in our actions and thinking.
We need to transform our lives because it is part of the Christian’s process to give back to Jesus what He has done for us, and we accomplish all this through prayer, reading the word, keeping the commandments, following His steps so one day we will be worthy to be with Him in the presence of the Father. Because no one can love two Lords; for either he will hate one, and love the other; or he will appreciate the one, and despise the other; because what is not assumed is not redeemed.
As faithful followers of the king
John 18: 36-37
“Jesus replied, ‘Mine is not a kingdom of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my men would have fought to prevent my being surrendered to the Jews. As it is, my kingdom does not belong here. Pilate said, ‘So, then you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘It is you who say that I am a king. I was born for this, I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.”
In this confusing time when the message of Jesus is so misunderstood, it is necessary to examine what the Bible says about the call to follow him.
To be faithful followers of the kingdom of Christ, which is not an earthly kingdom, we must deny ourselves even though this is not a contemporary idea since we all seek to find ourselves, find the hero that is within us but this is only for this earthly kingdom.
We must understand that it is not about finding ourselves, knowing ourselves, or loving ourselves, but about denying ourselves. A life of self-denial is a life that puts the Glory of God over self-pleasure, if for pleasure I am going to offend God, then I must abstain from it to glorify God. This is totally different from the world of dreams that many times want to sell us when talking about Christianity, since it is not easy to be a faithful servant follower of Christ because we must live contrary to the current of the world.
The world won’t hate you if you love what the world loves. But if you hate what the world loves and you live against the current, the world will hate you; that is perhaps the hardest beatitude. The Lord says that we are blessed when the world hates us and persecutes us for His sake (Matthew 5: 10–12). That is the cross that you must carry; you must experience the reproach of the world contrary to God. You would be mocked by the world when your values and principles do not conform to the current of the moment, but it is an essential part of your life as a follower of Jesus.
All this Jesus suffered because He did not go with the flow of what the world was doing and that is what we must do to please Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our reward will not be earthly but will reward us in Glory in Heaven, next to God and His Saints.
EIGHTH DAY: An interior renewal that leads us to the will of God
Romans 12, 2
“Do not model your behavior on the contemporary world, but let the renewing of your minds transform you, so that you may discern for yourselves what is the will of God — what is good and acceptable and mature.”
We must be a living sacrifice that does not adapt, but is transformed by not conforming to what this world presents us. As non-believers, we were naturally conformed to the world, but as believers we must face our spirituality and bring it to earthly life with our actions.
In the XXI century where appearances prevail in society, the Christian who seeks a renewal to follow the Will of God must bear in mind the principles of love, charity, piety, compassion and justice linked by a desire for perfection; a desire to improve but not to be the best; trying to conform to society under the demands of the gospel; he recognizes himself in others, living his life without being confused with delusions of superiority, he cannot be a fanatic who does not doubt, nor a skeptic who does not believe.
It is true that over time everything changes, that life is lived differently according to the time, but God is firm, He is faithful, He does not change, He remains, as well as what He wants for us. It is not about living a life in the past era but a modern life that adapts all the doctrines stipulated by God to seek to improve every day. God is always an Eternal Present and wants us to also live our lives one day at a time.
An interior renewal brings us closer to God, even if it costs us, even if we have to suffer in the process, even if we have to feel the persecution, it is part of the transformation that God proposes to us to walk towards His Divine Will.
NINTH DAY: Mary mother of Jesus Who felt His pain. The pain of those piercing thorns in His forehead. As our mother She feels our suffering, our trials, but knows that through them we will be brought to a state of spiritual transformation and closeness to God.
Lucas 2, 34-35
“Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed and a sword will pierce your soul too — so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’ “
An aching heart receives a mission that requires the fortitude of a strong heart: to love each child of this world as She has loved Jesus. A heart pierced by the pain of the seven swords receives the crown of roses. Fragrance, beauty, softness, love, are thoughts that suddenly come to mind when we think of roses. But many times, we overlook one: thorns. There is no Rose without thorns. Mary knew this, but still received the crown because seeing the Heart of Her Son crowned with thorns, She could not want less than to be crowned with thorns, although hidden behind the fragrance of love.
Under this concept of Maternal Love, Mary, although also feeling our pain as Mother of All, consoles and encourages us to go through that process of spiritual renewal, change of mentality and approach to God, she leads us by saying, I am by your side, I am a support for you in the test, if I have to cry with you, I will do it and I will accompany you.
She is our comfort in anguish, She is a sweet caress in moments of persecution and She is our greatest supporter at the moment of fighting the battle, She is there if we fall, she lifts us up and encourages us to move on. Those who have experienced pain, suffering, failure, the loss and the agony of death, will know how to appreciate the renewal of their interior life.